Psst… Guess what? We’ve been keeping a secret but can finally share the news.
Aerie and Liberare are teaming up for our new Aerie x Liberare partnership, and it’s live today! We have been waiting to tell you for so long and are still in shock that it’s live. It is an honor that the household name and industry leader, Aerie, wants to promote our products, our mission, and our brand.
What does it mean?
Your two favorite brands of all time have come together to promote Liberare’s bras and underwear line in the classic black you know and love and, now, our new blush color. (You can now buy our new blush color on But it’s more than just new products to shop. Yes, it gets better!
Why Does it Matter?
Our main goal is to make sure no one has to struggle to get dressed ever again. We fundamentally believe that every disabled babe who needs adaptive apparel, or anyone who has every struggled to put on their bra or clothes, deserves to have access to functional products like ours. So when Aerie wanted to partner with us, we knew this was an opportunity to reach a larger platform and merge our communities together to join forces for a more inclusive fashion industry.
Aerie is a brand that aligns with all our values: the belief we all are beautiful in our skin, showing the REAL you untouched, and that all bodies are worthy of love and respect. And they have been challenging social standards with their message of diversity and inclusion which is exactly what we need more of in the inclusion revolution.
With an industry leader and giant like Aerie committing to adaptive clothing, this marks a new chapter for our disability community.
We’re not only part of the fashion industry narrative, but as a business with disabled people from our board to our C-Suite to our employees and interns, disabled people are no longer bystanders to the fashion industry; we’re actively beginning to control the narrative. PS- Did you know our very own Chief Creative Officer, Alyssa Silva, is an AerieREAL ambassador?
Truly Listening to the Disabled Community
As you know, our products are designed by and for disabled babes. Traditional bras and underwear can be very difficult to put on for so many disabled individuals. Fastening hook and eyes on the back of bras, pulling bralettes over our heads, stepping into underwear… it can be a nightmare. Our team at Liberare created two different types of bras and two underwear perfect for truly anyone to put on.
Here are some examples of our Liberare Bra (you can buy on in blush or black) and their features. What’s your favorite part of the products?

A Little BTS Action
We are thoroughly obsessed with our friendship with the Aerie team. We’ve gotten to work together to bring this collection to you all over the months, partnering on exactly the best way to get our products into your hands. We especially had a blast at the photoshoot in Pittsburg!
We suggested our community member and ambassador, Anastasia Grace, to be the model for the shoot Aerie x Liberare. (If you want to be a model for our community, apply to be an ambassador here). Maddie, our lead designer, on the Liberare team represented our team at the shoot. This was Anastasia’s first major modeling gig, and can we just say she’s a total NATURAL?!

This Is Just the Beginning!
The launch our Aerie partnership is just the beginning to long road ahead for Liberare. We’re here to stay and the change is just beginning! If you want to follow along for the ride and stay updated on the next big things happening, sign up for our newsletter below. We’ll give you the inside scoop on new product, modeling opportunities, a weekly Friday roundup of collection of disability hacks, stories from our community and a random collection of shower thoughts like our favorite disability TikTok trends for that week.
Ta-ta for now babes. See you on top!