Here on the Liberare blog, we love making posts that are catered to our readers and amplifying disabled voices by allowing disabled women to tell their stories. However, as much as we love our blog, there is room for everyone to have a platform, and today we want to spotlight other disabled blogs that give us awesome thought-provoking experiences. In order to make a difference in the disabled community, we feel it's important to work together in order to encourage each other and push each other forward.
This is the second post of a three-part series! The first post featured wheelchair-focused blogs, and today’s blog is all about the blind experience. Without further ado, here are our favorite disabled bloggers that you need to check out!
Life of a Blind Girl
Holly is a 25-year-old woman living with vision impairment and shares personal stories about her life on the blog. She also works as an assistive technology advisor which provides some really interesting insight into her work and the blind community. Not only does she educate on her specific vision impairment and the medical details of it, but also about her hobbies and interests as well.

My Blurred World
Elin is a young blogger that also experiences visual impairment and tries to stay on the bright side of things with her outstanding positivity. We love Elin's blog because she not only discusses important topics about disability education but also fun moments from her life such as concerts. She's also quite the fashionista, so if you also need any style tips her blog is the perfect place to find them!

Fashion Eyesta
We're always looking for some fashion inspo here at Liberare, and Emily's blog is a great place to find it. Always on the lookout for different trends, Emily educates on how she has such a passion for style while living with visual impairment. Whether it's makeup, clothing, or accessories, Emily has some tips and tricks up her sleeve.

The Blind Warrior
Laura lives with visual impairment and has quite the knack for writing. Her pieces are nothing short of moving and touching. Her pieces are not only discussing surface-level subjects but really dive deep into the parts of living with visual impairment that people might not typically discuss. To learn more about visual impairment conditions definitely make sure to check out some of the pieces on this blog.

The Blind Truth
There is no better description for Anna Taylor's writing than hilarious. Not only does she write in a humorous and lighthearted fashion a lot of the time, she also finds ways to discuss serious and important topics regarding sight and visual impairment. Chair of the Vision Foundation, Anna uses her platform to discuss her personal experiences with visual impairment.