In 2009, I had a motorbike accident after which I suffered a minor knee injury. After the accident, I could still walk well, climb mountains and even run, although I felt there was something wrong with my leg. It was not until six years later, in 2015, when I decided to get a medical check up and the doctor found out that I had a damaged tendon on my left knee. He recommended me to undergo a minor operation to fix the tendon, which I agreed to. During the operation, he cut my left leg's major vein by mistake and, instead of admitting his error and trying to find a solution immediately, he simply kept quiet and pretended that nothing happened. A few days later, even though I should have fully recovered from the operation, I could still not feel my left leg nor my toes. The doctor suggested I get transferred to another hospital for a further check up, where the doctors realised what happened and informed me that I was suffering from gangrene. After that, I went through 6 extremely painful operations, in which the doctors removed more and more muscle tissue from my leg. Unfortunately, all their efforts were in vain. They told me that, unless they amputated my leg, gangrene would spread throughout my body and I would not be able to live. That was how, due to medical negligence, I became an amputee at age 24.
Of course, the first few days after my amputation I felt terribly depressed. My family was devastated about the situation and I even thought of ending my life. However, I soon realised that life still went on and that I had no choice but to adapt to it. Therefore, I decided to stop thinking of what I couldn't do and start thinking of what I could do, think positively and live a happy life, as all humans deserve.
I worked as a part-time model before the accident but, after losing my leg, I thought that would not be possible anymore. However, my ex-husband made me realise that I should not give up on my dreams due to my situation. He encouraged me to work hard, so I rebranded myself and I built a modeling portfolio with my new image. Through my Instagram account and my YouTube channels, I received lots of love and encouragement from all over the world, which made me regain confidence in myself and made me see that I could still be beautiful. As a result, I decided to devote myself not only to modeling, but also to motivate people with disabilities.
Whether you are disabled, fat, thin, tall or short, it is crucial to understand that you are beautiful and that you can always be proud of yourself, no matter what. Life is too short to worry about your body, so you must always keep smiling and think positively. Don't care what others think about you and never give up on your dreams!
Follow Rosalina on Instagram (@kazzrozza) to see more of her journey