About the Author: Krystal is an Liberare model. She has also been in NYFW and is Ms. Wheelchair New York 2020.

What is your favorite fashion hack?
I learned at a very young age difference that costume jewelry needs to be preserved or it will turn green, my favorite fashion hack is painting clear finger nail polish on the item.. it makes it last longer.
What’s your favorite piece of clothing? I am tomboy fly... give me a nice warm comfy hoodie and I’m the happiest girl in the world.
What color do you feel the most powerful in? I feel most powerful in red because it commands respect. I feel most like myself unapologetically in purple because it reminds me that my lineage is strong and I shall always treat myself like a queen.

Which store do you shop at that is the most accessible to shop in? I really like hole in the wall boutiques, but they are rarely accessible so the alternative is H & M there layout is spacious and if I do need assistance the customer service is typically amazing.
What song is your pump up song? BC (Before Covid-19) my go to song was Realer by Meg Thee Stallion but now the song that gets me going in the AM is Good Day by Surfaces.
What’s your ideal night in look like? Favorite tv shows to binge watch? An ideal night starts with DoorDash order, something Mexican or Italian, filled by comfortable clothing such as a onesie or something 100% Cotton. I would binge watch anything from old movies from the early 1900’s or shows based on the 1700’s and 1800’s.
What do you wish people knew about you that they don’t? One thing I wish that people knew about me is that my wheelchair is not a prison sentence, my life is a beautiful struggle and I would not want it any other way (minus these student loans, lol).